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Norwex Cleaning Package
Household > Supplies

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
62576 $35.00 1 $35.00

Winning Bid Amount


Norwex is known for their high quality microfiber cloths and other environmentally friendly cleaning products. This pack includes the Envirocloth and Window Cloth, which can be used to clean most surfaces in the home with just water, as well as Cleaning Paste and a pack of scrubbing Spirisponges for when you need extra cleaning power!Value $75

Thank you to Becca Ayala for being an amazing supporter of LLS! She is not  only donating items but is running and fundraising for Grandma's Marathon just a few short months after having a beautiful baby! She is also willing to do Norwex fundraisers for great causes like LLS--just contact her for more info!