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HUGE Improv Theatre - 4 Tickets & 4 Drinks
Entertainment > Theatre

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
62420 $25.00 1 $25.00

Winning Bid Amount


You've worked hard all week, now come laugh your a$$ off at one of Minneapolis's best improv theaters.  You and 3 friends can enjoy some great comedy. 4 drink tickets are also included to help kick off the night. Value $68

Improv is theater for everybody. The raw material of improvisation is the honest expressions, experiences and passions of the performers and audience. It’s immediate theater.

As an added bonus, good improvisation is built on conquering fears and working collaboratively in an accepting environment – skills that can’t help but have a positive effect on those who acquire them. HUGE Theater believes that if people can improvise together and laugh together, they can do anything together.

Thank you to Huge Improv Theatre for your generosity and support!