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Animation Station 1, 2, 3, and 4 DVDs for Speech and Language Learning

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
62403 $30.00 2 $60.00

Winning Bid Amount


Talk It Rock It's Animation Station 1 & 2 and Animation Station 3 & 4 DVDs include 48 audio-visual shows and songs. These DVDs are educational and entertaining, and teach speech and language skills in an enticing way. The goals of these animations/videos include learning common object names, action words, colors, and prepositions; formulating sentences; improving articulation of specific speech sounds, single syllable words, multi-syllabic words, and simple phrases; understanding concepts of same and different, increasing phonemic awareness of beginning letter sounds, and much more! In addition you will find suggested activities, a video request sheet, and the lyrics to the songs. These movies can be used for all children whether they are developing speech and language normally, showing delays in learning to talk, or learning English as a second language. Play these audio-visual shows on your DVD/TV, load the files to your iPad, view on your computer, or project onto a SMART Board. These shows are excellent for both classroom activities and individual learning. Value $60

To view samples of these movies, please go to

Rachel Arntson, speech-language pathologist and current Team in Training participant, is the owner and creator of all Talk It Rock It products. She is thrilled to donate these items to LLS.