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Children's CD Sets of Songs and Visuals
Music & CDs

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
62402 $40.00 3 $100.00

Winning Bid Amount


This item includes Talk It Rock It's CD Sets 1, 2, and 3. Each set includes 2 CDs of songs and a CD-rom containing a manual and printable visuals that illustrate each song. Talk It Rock It CD sets have been written specifically for enhancing the speech and language of young children from age 1 to 6. Each song, created by a very playful speech-language pathologist, contains techniques that give children opportunities to imitate sounds, words, and phrases, learn new concepts and vocabulary, and build interaction and social skills. Whether your child has speech and language needs or excellent speech and language skills, our upbeat songs are enticing, motivating, and inviting for children to sing along.Value $120

Specific descriptions of each CD set 1, 2, and 3 are listed below:

CD Set 1 – Imitation Exploration – The two CDs from this set contain 30 songs that focus on developing imitation and interaction in children at the beginning stages of communication. The vocabulary is simple and repetitive. Some of the songs contain singing with music and rhythm, and others contain speaking with music and rhythm. Exposing children to both styles is key in achieving the maximum learning potential from our CDs. In most of the songs, an adult and children take turns singing. The adult frequently gives the cue, “your turn” to practice the words and phrases of the song.The vocabulary in this set, as mentioned, is very simple. Some of the songs emphasize simple vowel imitation as is noted in our very upbeat and fun Monkey Song. Other songs encourage imitation of simple words and phrases and also direction following as in our Baby Blowing Bubbles song. Two word phrase imitation is practiced in many songs such as the Hi song and Bye song. Repetition is frequent in this set and you will hear the same sounds, words, or phrases sung many times during a song. For example, the Bye Song has the word “bye” sung 73 times. It’s hard to believe, but children enjoy the repetition and learn a lot from it.This set also has a 12 page manual with activities and objectives for each set and a CD-ROM of pictures that you can download to create picture sheets, books, or activities to illustrate each song.

CD Set 2 – Rock and Roll with a Language GoalThe two CDs from this set contain 24 songs that focus on many different speech and language tasks. This set is the most diverse of the sets, and I would say is the highest level. This set contains songs that focus on saying longer words and phrases such as “Cheese and Macaroni”. It also contains more complex verbal exercises such as understanding and answering questions as in our songs “What Happened” and “What’s That?” It also teaches children to comment about things they love as noted in our I Love song. One of my personal favorites, I Hear, teaches children to recognize and comment about environmental sounds. Another favorite of mine, Scrambled Eggs, teaches sequencing steps to a daily routine like making eggs. In contrast to the other sets does not contain the invitation to imitate with the cue, “your turn”.One of the CDs in this set is unique to the entire Talk It Rock It collection of CDs in that the songs are derived from favorite rock and roll tunes transformed into fun kids’ songs with kid-friendly lyrics. These CDs are exciting, engaging, and filled with ways to enhance your child’s speech and language skills. You will recognize the tunes of such songs as Rock Around the Clock Tonight, Help Me Rhonda, or Stop in the Name of Love, but the lyrics are different. Even parents will love these rock and roll tunes, so when your child wants to listen for the 100th time, you’ll be excited to turn on CD Set 2 – Rock and Roll with a Language Goal.This set also has a 12 page manual with activities and objectives for each set and a CD-ROM of pictures that you can download to create picture sheets, books, or activities to illustrate each song.

CD Set 3 – Drills for Sounds The two CDs from this set are especially beneficial for children with apraxia, articulation disorders, and/or phonological disorders. This upbeat and catchy collection of simple songs and raps is excellent for any child has difficulty pronouncing speech sounds to make words. It is slightly higher level than our CD Set 1, but contains the same amount of verbal imitation practice and also has the invitation of “your turn” to encourage children to practice while listening to the CDs.Many of the songs emphasize a specific speech sound and then blends those sounds in a variety of ways including chains of 3, consonant-vowels, words, and simple phrases. The sounds stressed on these CDs include vowels, h, m, w, t, d, n, k, f, s, sh, ch, y, b, and j. One example is our Fish, Sharks, and Shells song emphasizing the f and sh sounds. Other songs do not focus on a particular sound but encourage combining a variety of sounds together to make words and phrases. That is best shown in the song, Let Me Hear You Say which is a rap with music and rhythm in the backround. There are other raps in this set that encourage naming, pointing to objects on command, and gross motor imitation featuring our colorful scarves.This set also has a 12 page manual with activities and objectives for each set and a CD-ROM of pictures that you can download to create picture sheets, books, or activities to illustrate each song.

Rachel Arntson, speech-language pathologist and current Team in Training participant, is the owner and creator of all Talk It Rock It products. She is thrilled to donate these items to LLS.